Our experience is your opportunity.
ABM Risk Partnership helps organisations improve the effectiveness of their Risk Management and Assurance capabilities, driving enhanced Organisational Capability, Competency, and Culture.
It combines the expertise and experience of Partners Anthony Wilson, Brett Palmer and Tony Anderson. Anthony and Brett have led the development of Risk Management and Assurance capability at some of Australasia’s largest and best known companies across a range of industries including Energy / Infrastructure, Retail, Agribusiness, & Telco. Tony brings an unequalled level of experience, having led highly complex Capability projects for some of the world’s largest Petrochemical, Oil & Gas Upstream and Midstream, and Mining organisations.
They are joined by several highly experienced senior Associates to provide complementary capabilities including Business Resilience, Risk Analytics, and Risk Quantification.
The ABM Risk team has faced the challenges that their clients face, and have applied their experience and extensive business acumen to deliver effective, commercial solutions that create and protect value. We don’t outsource and we don’t use inexperienced juniors – if you engage ABM you get the direct benefit of our experience.


Brett Palmer, Partner
M Risk Mgmt, M Comm, B Bus, F Fin, CPA, GAICD, FGIA
Brett has a career spanning 35 years in Banking, Insurance, Risk Management, and Consulting.
He has held Chief Risk Officer roles at ASX listed entities in Infrastructure / Energy, Retail, Telecommunications and Agribusiness, and consulted to various public and private companies and government entities.
Brett has an enviable track record in the delivery of tangible benefits to companies through effective risk management.
Anthony Wilson, Partner
M Mgt, M Risk Mgmt, GAICD
Anthony has spent over 30 years in senior management roles including 10 years as General Manager Risk & Safety and Chief Audit Executive at Woolworths, and consulting to a number of public and private companies, and to government entities.
Anthony is committed to assisting organisations realise their true potential through great risk management – which both protects and creates value.

Tony Anderson, Partner
B Sc (Chem‐Hons), B E (Chem)
Tony is a Chemical Engineer and Chemist with over 35 years of experience in high hazard industries where competency assurance and risk management is vital to ensure safe and effective operations.
Tony has been consulting in Competency and Capability Management across a broad spectrum of industries in Australia, New Zealand, Asia, the Middle East, South Africa, and North America.